Automate ML Infrastructure on Any Cloud

Provision, change, and version resources on any environment.


Your ML Infrastructure in Your own Cloud Account automates infrastructure management, in your own Cloud Account. Your data, configurations, servers and ML Apps stay with you.
Nothing is hosted or owned by Rectified.

easy machine learning with g710

Google Cloud Platform

easy machine learning with g1865

Amazon Web Service

easy machine learning with Kubernetes 1

Your Own Kubernetes

easy machine learning with chip

Bare Metal

Powerful Tools, Made Simple.

Start your ML future Now! Opens up an ocean of possibilities to early-on startups, as well as bigger teams.

A centralised access to powerful tools and service providers from a user-friendly platform. Data Science Platform - Access to Powerful ML Tools

Love our Reporting & Collaboration Tools

Reporting is a huge pain when you do it manually…Copy, Paste, PDF, Email, Loop this for everychange!!?
Our Reporting Tool is provided for FREE, Enjoy!

easy machine learning with Assets Section 6

Focus on AI, not environments

All the frameworks, libraries and drivers you need for deep learning are pre-installed and optimized for performance. You can easily install custom dependencies too.

ai tools and frameworks